NO home in the South is complete without a tube of Super Glue and a roll of duct tape. They put our pieces back together when we "break".
Unfortunately I am not a neat spreader of things liquid (paint, glue, oil, etc). Invariably this leads to a slight disaster
In case you have never super glued your fingers together, let me explain what happens. THIS STUFF IS A BONDING AGENT! And when I say bonded--as in you are not pulling what you glued apart. SO, my fingers will only come apart if I jerk some skin off in the process. I do not know about you, but I am not fond of pain. NOT TO WORRY--there is a solvent that breaks the bond of the glue
Pour a little of this stuff---nail polish remover--and PRESTO-the bond is broken and you are once again a five fingered messy gluer.
This week in Sunday School Paul is proclaiming the need for unity in the body.
Though we have many different gifts and thankfully God has made us all uniquely, we are admonished to allow Christ to be the bond that unites us all together. As we discussed these verses, we spoke of all the many denominations-why even here in this small town. We all agreed there is one important thing which unites us all--the belief in Christ as our Savior. We are bonded together as sure as if Super Glue has been poured over the lot of us.
Sadly there is a solvent which can break this bond if we allow it. The World can come between us and break the bond we have with fellow believers. It happens when we take our eyes off the bonding agent--Jesus. Be wary of that solvent and protect the bond that unites us all. May we always be aware of the tie that binds---our Super Glue--Jesus Christ.
3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Ephesians 4:3-6
" ... there is one important thing which unites us all--the belief in Christ as our Savior."
ReplyDeleteSadly, today the denominations are busy arguing about their differences instead.
God bless.
You and I should start a new trend of celebrating our one important like, Victor! We will be the pied pipers of unity!
ReplyDeleteBlessings, My Friend!
Great idea. How do we do that?
DeleteWhat saddens me when I look at the world these days is how much divisions there are - religious, political, race, background, education, age, gender and sexual orientations etc ... etc ... We are so disunited as a humanity we don't seem to agree on anything.
God must despair with us sometimes. (I hope not). Remember - John 17:20-23
God bless.
Yes, Lulu, Jesus is our super glue, when we focus on Him instead of the world. I wrote about unity in the church not long ago - seems to be the trend as of late - lol!
ReplyDeleteBlessings, my friend, and thanks for this wise reflection.
We are thinking of unity for the very reason Victor pointed out-we are so divided.
DeleteBlessings, My Friend!