Have you noticed the blog has had a facelift? Most of you know I know just enough about technology to fill a thimble.  I can stumble my way through many things, but have the scars to prove the missteps I have made.  This facelift was courtesy of "MY FAIRY BLOGMOTHER" who was introduced to me by my blogging friend Linda Stoll.  The blogging guru- held my hand while pulling information from me to come up with an original and personalized blog page.  Bless her!

As with most facelifts, one small thing needing to be fixed led to a big overhaul.  It is the same way with us women.  We look in the mirror and discover a perceived imperfection which seems to need fixing.  The next thing you know we are on the slippery slope of cosmetic correction fueled by a world which is always touting perfection.  You cannot win at that game.  

What began this was my subscriber feed was going away ~ IN JULY ~  NOT that I would ever procrastinate to the very last minute.  In all honesty, I looked at their suggestion of how to proceed with a fix-shrugged my shoulders and went on to the next thing. I certainly was distressed over losing my readers, but truthfully could not wrap my head around how to proceed.  It is a BIG deal in the blogging world to lose the link to those who might read your musings.   Many of you have opted to have a link emailed to you when I post.  Since we all know I am less than reliable about posting daily--life gets in the way, this assures you will have notice of each and every time I do sit down to share my thoughts.  On the right side of your page, you will note a SUBSCRIBE  form.  It will be a great help if you will subscribe on this form.  Your name will not appear nor email anywhere on the blog.  The really good news is that My Fairy Blogmother was able to transfer all of you existing subscribers to the new platform-Mailchimp.  Hopefully you have begun to receive the notice of postings from this site.

You will notice Godmother also installed a new header, changed the colors and gave me a new format.  The only thing I can take credit for is suggesting we use a sunset in the header and the corresponding deep honey color used in the lines, bullets, etc.  She waved her magic wand and presto it was all done in 24 hours.  MAGIC!

I am never opposed to a facelift---improvements to us physically, intellectually, and most important spiritually.  I see nothing wrong with making the most of what we have.  BUT, what ever kind of changes we make on the outside, one thing is certain, we are still the same on the inside.  The esthetics of the blog may appear new and fresh, but the writings will be the same.  Heartfelt, soul searching, mind stretching musings from the very depths of my soul.  Thank you, Dear Readers, for your encouragement of reading.  It makes this labor of love all worth while.

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up,

just as you are doing."

I Thessalonians 5:11


  1. I hear your every word, Lulu!!


    1. Thank you for the rec, Linda. So easy working with Linda P.!

  2. Thank you Lulu for the lovely shout out. It was my pleasure to make over your blog. I love making blogs pretty, but also efficient. Your blog has a pretty new look that represents you. I am always happy to walk my clients through any process. Enjoy blogging with this new design. Happy blogging!

  3. I absolutely adore your new look here, Loralu. Maybe, I need a Fairy Blogmother, too!

  4. She made it all seem so easy, Martha!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!