Today's word came from a sweet friend whose dad was one of my favorite clients.  I knew him a long time before I knew them, but he had done enough bragging that I knew how special they were.  My mother always told me we are never far from the knee of our parents.  She did not think we could outrun our roots.  This reader reaps the rewards of the deep and rich roots when it comes to family.  

When scouring the WWW for a image of the word, I came across this phrase over and over.  It seemed rather repetitive to me.  Of course every time the clock rolls over into tomorrow we have a new beginning.  Another day has started for us to make the most of or plod mindlessly through.  It is up to us ~ or is it?

There is something fresh and hopeful about beginnings.  I immediately thought of the birth of a baby.  A new life---filled with possibilities of bright tomorrows.  Years of living stretching out before them.  With the birth of our children, we firmly believe the best is yet to come.  A better life - a better person ~ who will help to make a better world.

Beginnings are mostly sweet.  First love brings the anticipation of forever love.  Many of my contemporaries are celebrating golden anniversaries and some more than golden.  What a blessing to see that beginning of great promise  mature into so much more than ever anticipated.  

Four of Lulu's grands on the second day of school
(With 4 you are doing good to get the picture--on any day)

Life is filled with beginnings.  We saw the evidence of a new school year all over social media recently with pictures of all those sweet children beginning their school year.   That new year brings the opportunity for a better year ~ better grades, staying out of the principal's office, new friends, new clubs--all kinds of opportunities.

How many of us have begun a new diet in an effort to live a healthier lifestyle.  I began to get a meal service a couple of months ago in an effort to eat a balanced diet.  (it turns out chips, peanut butter & cookies are not considered a balanced diet).  The same can be said about exercise plans.  I have gotten on and fallen off exercise plans so often my middle name is Yoyo.

Yes, life is filled with beginnings.  With beginnings always comes an ending.  My diet beginning usually ends with a late night visit to the pantry or fridge.  My exercise beginnings usually end with a bad case of  sloth.  School eventually ends with graduation or leaving; babies all grow up and eventually life ends; and long time love is destined to end with one to find comfort in the memories.    Ecclesiastes beautifully reminds us of all of this.

Beginning are sweet and filled with promise, endings are inevitable, but the real stuff - the heart of it all comes in the middle.  Most of the action is right smack dab in the middle.  And in the middle of this middle--are new beginnings to be celebrated over and over.  Every beginning brings a middle and a ending, or does it?  If I could give one piece of advice on this word, it would be do not forget the middle.  It is the meat of the matter, the heart of it all.  

There is only one instance when a beginning leads to a middle with no ending.  The beginning of becoming a Believer of our Glorious Savior which is followed with the meat of it all as we begin the Road to Sanctification .  There is no ending--there is the promise of Eternity.  A beginning with a guarantee of no ending.  What a beautiful day that is---when we begin our journey in eternal life.  

"8 And a highway will be there;

it will be called the Way of Holiness;

it will be for those who walk on that Way."

Isaiah 35:8

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  1. What a precious photo of your grandchildren, Lulu! The first day of school is such a great example of fresh beginnings. Thanks for reminding us that in Christ Jesus, our beginning has no end, and we can look forward to one day resting in His arms of love.

  2. There are three more, Martha. Of those three--two have graduated from high school & one is soon to be one. I have them from 21 to 1. What a Blessing!
    Blessings, My Friend!

  3. You have a lovely family.

    God bless them all, and God bless you too.


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!