There comes a point in life when we begin to realize we need to plan for retirement.  I always had a plan, but the plan went into high gear once that last bird had flown the nest.

Most of us put together a retirement plan or at a minimum give it a great deal of thought.  Perhaps the plan is more than how to finance our retirement.  Perhaps it includes a list of places we would like to visit, things we would like to do, or the overused 

For years the idea of some day retiring was what kept me going on those really long and trying days at work.  A simple day dream about some mountain top, sandy shore,  good book, long meaningful discussion without feeling guilt over what has not been done was the catalyst to keep me headed to that retirement finish line.  

At some point, the finish line is finally within our sight and we are at a full sprint trying to get across it.  As we step across the line, we might begin to question exactly how well did we prepare?  Will I have enough funds, will my health hold out, or there pandemics or natural disasters in my future?  As much as we plan and think we are prepared, there are going to be bumps in the road, disasters in our path and full out road closed signs to stop our progress of fulfilling our long dreamed of plans.  

Look at this statistic I found

 As of September 14, 2021, the number of both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of the COVID-19 disease reported in the United States had reached 41.3 million and around 660 thousand deaths were reported among these cases.

That is now over 660,000 Americans whose retirement plan has met a full out 

 One thing I am certain of - none of these 660,000 individuals had death by COVID in their retirement plan.  

Where am I going?  Do we need a plan when there are so many unknowns and variables which can thwart those plans?  If we have no control over how this will all play out, why make a plan to only have it fall apart?  I am trying to stick to the plan, but know it can be changed in the blink of an eye.  When the plan is not working, it is time to make a change by being flexible.  Make a plan, do our best to follow it, but know that all plans are subject to change due to circumstances beyond our control.  BE FLEXIBLE!

The only retirement plan which I know requires no need for change is our eternal plan.  We can prepare for our retirement from this terrestrial ball and know that if we have done what is needed to ensure eternal life---our plan will come to fruition.  Our retirement from planet earth will  begin the next season of eternal life in the presence of Jesus.  If we have followed the plan, done all that was required to enjoy the next season, it will go exactly as promised.  We will enjoy retirement in paradise exactly as planned.

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;

John 11:25


  1. That is the ultimate retirement plan, Lulu. May we all prepare well for that!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!