We have begun our new study in small group--


Two days in to the study and I am challenged.  Looking forward to our discussion and the nuggets I bring away from this study.

Today we examined the story of Abraham and his obedience in doing as God told him by taking his son Isaac on a trip to sacrifice him as an offering to God.  We all know the story.  We all know how God provides.  The one thing which really struck me today was the two young men (servants)  Abraham took with him to accomplish his mission.  Who were they?

Did he chose two random young men with the only thought of needing someone to help his "carry the load".  I suspect not. With the importance of the mission comes the need for the "right people" to accompany him.  He could have taken an entire entourage with him - God did not give him the specifics of how he wanted him to obey.  He only took two young men.  As I thought over who I would want with me on an important "Mission for God", I immediately came up with three qualifiers ~

LIKE MIND~ with the importance of the controversial task before him, Abraham would have wanted a Believer in God Almighty  with Him.  Someone who understood the necessity of obedience--even in the face of devastating consequences.    

TRUSTWORTHY ~ Abraham needed someone with him who would tend to the details so that the mission could be accomplished.  He needed someone to tend the fire they took along and not allow it to go out.  He needed someone to keep the wood dry.  He needed someone to tend to their needs as they traveled.  He needed someone who would trust His plan and be obedient and intentional in bringing the plan to fruition.

ENCOURAGER~ Abraham needed someone along who would not question IF  he had really heard from God to sacrifice his son.  He needed someone to make the plan happen and encourage Abraham as he sought to be obedient.  If the men had questioned every step, made alternate plans, allowed the needed supplies to slip away--any number of things, it could have all fallen apart.  Instead he chose two men who had Abraham's best interest at heart, obeyed without argument, and trusted his judgement.  His companions were trusted allies willing to follow in obedience.

I am praying I always pick my fellow sojourners with care when embarking on a "God Mission".  He WILL give us all tasks for His Good Purposes.  The steps to obedience are helped along and supported when we wisely choose who we take along with us.  Would you agree with me if I told you, I strongly suspect the men were as blessed as Abraham and Isaac were by this journey.  By faithfully pulling along side Abraham to accomplish the mission they were blessed with seeing God's ultimate provision.  Choose wisely, Friends, choose wisely.

"Then He said, 'Take your son, your only son,

whom you love, Isaac,

and go to the land of Moriah,

and offer him there as a burnt offering

on one of the mountains of which I tell you.'

So Abraham got up early in the morning

and saddled his donkey,

and took two of his young men with him

and his son Isaac

Genesis 22:2-3


  1. This sounds like a fabulous book for a study group, Lulu. Keep us posted on how it goes!


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