Hero is a "runner".     We do not know his "early story", but we suspect he ran away.  He was found running down a Fort Worth street and somehow #1Daughter was talked into keeping him while they "looked" for his owner.  He clearly was someone's pet.  I suspect he was tied outside and slipped the tie by pulling.  He almost never barks and I think he probably has throat damage from his escape attempt.  Fast forward and #1 Daughter and her 4 offspring have him.  He successfully got out of the fence there also.  They found him days later prancing down the street.  He LOVES to roam freely.  In his younger days, we had many a merry chase when he managed to get out the door.  He does not run so fast these days, thankfully, since neither do I.

Recently I was baby-sitting the two littles while their big brothers went to a haunted house.   He always wants to go into their fenced back yard---perhaps escaping the children and their young bouncy-I want to play dog.  He is never social with other dogs--I do not think he realizes he is a dog.  In fact--I have accused him of being a cat more than once.  (he has many cat like traits)   I always check the automatic gate before opening that door and did so that night.  What I did not realize was the side gate,  which is never used, had been left open while the big boys ran in and out with their friends.  I did not discover Hero was gone until we had watched half a movie and took a break.  PANIC TIME!  I took off up the street and back calling and searching for him in the dark.  NO HERO!  I went in to make sure the kids were good before continuing the search and Big Brother offered to help---but someone has to stay with the Little who is afraid of everything that moves.  I went back out and headed in the other direction.  There are busy streets all around and my mind has gone into overdrive as to what could happen to the Old Man as small as he is.  Whistling and yelling his name, I suddenly heard the pitty pat of his little feet behind me---coming as I called.  He probably thought we were going home--since he always wants to leave.  I am not certain where he was, but I suspect he was smelling the neighbor's yard.  He had not strayed far and once again I rescued him.  Perhaps, in his old age, Hero has figured out what a good deal he has with me and stays close.  I have had friends tell me they would love to be my dog.  Truly- he has a very good life.  I am his constant protector always watching out for danger . So all ended well--I am thankful he did not stray far and I was able to rescue him from all potential harm.

This brings to mind the human trait of straying off the path.  We know the path which keeps us close to our protector.  We know our protector has our best interest always in mind and faithfully watches over us.  And yet, we are enticed off the path to stray into the danger zone.  We are prone to wonder (are you humming the old hymn?)  "Prone to wander, Lord I feel it--Prone to leave the God I love--Here's my heart, oh take and seal it--Seal it for thy courts above."  Stay close to "The Protector"  and he will faithfully be by your side.

"All of us, like sheep, have gone astray,

Each of us has turned to his own way:

Isaiah 53:6


  1. What a relief to know that Hero didn't stray far, Lulu! And what a great lesson for all of us when our hearts start to wander from God's heart, and His protection. Thanks so much for this reflection today, my friend.

    1. Hero is a plethora of writing material, Martha. I call him my stubborn needy old man😜


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!