Well here we are on April 16, and another tax day has come and gone.  After years of this being the day I took a huge sigh of relief, it now is just another day.   Some years, I pause and thank God that is all behind me now; but I have had years go by that I literally did not even think about all those  years when this was a day of taking a HUGE breath of relief.  The deadline was past---and life went back to normal after three and a half months of long hours and nose to the grindstone.

Last week, we all experienced the eclipse to some degree.  There was a huge build up in the media to that memorable day.  Some of us were in the full dark in the middle of the day, some were under clouds, and some were inside building with no opportunity to see the view.  Where ever you were and whatever your circumstance--the day is now come and gone---in the blink of an eye.

When I think of all the dates, there are so many I had great anticipation of as I waited for them to roll around.   I think of the birth of my children and grands; Christmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, vacations, and a host of other causes for celebration.  And then there are those days which were anticipated but more with dread than joy.  Those days when dear loved ones said there final good byes is the very top of that list.  All to say---there are significant days in our time lines--but when the day has ended---they have come and they are now gone and we are left with only a memory.  Memories are the vapors left when the clock turns over to the next day--the future.

I am so thankful for memories---and all the joy they bring me.  I am also in awe that in God there is no time---he is the past, today and the future all at once.  I cannot help but be curious if when I have crossed over to be in His presence---if I will also be able to be present in every moment of my life.  Idle curiosity which really does not matter--for I will be in the presence of God Almighty and Jesus Christ.  All else--pales once all is come and gone.

"For thus says the One who is high and lifted up,

who inhabits eternity"

Isaiah 57:15


  1. That is absolutely a true observation on your part, Lulu. I love the memories we store in our minds and hearts, but we must move ahead each day that gives us here and now. Blessings!

    1. The older I get--the more precious the memories, but I only have today to work with.


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!