I am fervently praying for an event to happen in my life---I have been praying for a few months over this one need.  What keeps me from losing hope---giving up on the praying---calling it a loss?  Experience and God's reminders are the fuel that keeps the fire burning.

I have a dear friend who we have been praying for the same issue, and yesterday, seeing that prayer answered is one of the reasons I am continuing to pray.  When I get to the end of my rope and have decided either God is not hearing or God is answering in the negative, He sends a little reminder like yesterday's news and I am able to tie another knot in that rope and keep holding on.  After all---I have spent years praying for things which will only be answered in the long term;  AND I may never see or know how God has answered those prayers.  Do I believe or don't I?  If God has promised---and God is truth---where is my faith?  If ALL things work for the good of those who are called according to His purpose then who am I to question His answers and His timing?  Does He know  best--or doesn't He?   

Perhaps God is teaching me---leading me down the road to sanctification.  So much can be taught with God's delayed timing in answering prayers.  Patience and trust are at the top of that list--along with a deepening of faith.  Who am I to question God's sovereign plans?

SO--I am holding on tight--still praying for an answer--trusting in God's perfect timing and knowing He is faithful.

"Now in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness'

for we do not know what to pray for as we should,

but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us 

with groanings too deep for words;

and He who searches the hearts knows 

what the mind of the Spirit is,

because He intercedes for the saints

according to the will of God."

Romans 8:26-27


  1. Who are we to question God? Let us press into Him with prayer and faith that He knows what is best for us. Thanks for this uplifting post today, Lulu!

    1. As always- I am talking to myself first! Thankful for His infinite patience.
      Blessings, Martha!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!