Hero and I have been up since 3:30 AM---SIGH! That is when the smoke alarm decided it needed to start chirping that its battery was low. WHY- WHY - WHY is it ALWAYS in the middle of the night. I have NEVER had one to begin chirping in the daylight hours---not even in the early evening--it is ALWAYS in the dead of the night. OH--there is NO ignoring it---believe me I have tried. No pillow is thick enough to drown out the noise when placed on your head. Even if I stubbornly decided I would live with it to daylight, Hero is terrified of the chirp. He immediately wants off the bed, and begins the Chihuahua Shakes, There is no way to comfort him but to rip that battery out. Once I get up---there is NO going back down. FIRST and FOREMOST is finding the offending alarm. For some strange reason, I have three alarms in the hall that dissects my house. They are all in close proximity to each other. The first alarm I disemboweled turned out to be the wrong one. This entails moving the ladder and listening to the two alarms side by side. I did discover while hanging off the ladder that one of those is a carbon monoxide alarm. The heater is NOT on---OF COURSE NOT--but that is the alarm that is chirping. FINALLY after 30 minutes of working at it---I rip that battery out. PROBLEM SOLVED! NOW---I have a solution for this---I am going to replace all the batteries in all the alarms now---just before Labor Day. Next year, on Labor Day, I will know it is the day to replace them again. The alarm is there for a purpose, to alert you of the possibility of fire. I certainly do not want my house to burn, but there has GOT to be a longer lasting battery --say 20 years. AND why can they not come up with a way for the alarm to only chirp with low battery during the daylight hours? FIRST WORLD PROBLEM!
OF COURSE---one thing always leads to another---and for some reason that wonderful song- "The Midnight Cry".
When the midnight cry sounds---will you hear it? Will you be awaken from your slumber and rise to meet Him? "Oh, at the midnight, the Bride of Christ will rise."
"They will see the Son of Man coming
on the clouds of heaven with power
and great glory.
And He will send out His angels
with a loud trumpet call,
and they will gather
his elect from the four winds,
from one end of heaven to the other."
Matthew 24:30b-31
What a bummer, Lulu! Being rudely awakened and not being able to get back to sleep would NOT make my day. But I do hope, when Jesus returns, He won't find me napping.
I just finished a stretch of dog sitting with my granddog and there was LOTS of middle of the night ups and downs. YES--it is VERY difficult to get back to sleep!