There is a great deal being said about collateral damage in the news these days. " Collateral damage is a term that refers to any unwanted or incidental damage, injury, or death that results from an activity, especially when it affect civilians." Dr. Google.  It is absolutely heartbreaking to see the toll of suffering which is a direct result of war and we have always had wars in this broken world.  Man's insatiable desire for control, revenge, conquest, or any other form of greed brings about wars.  Wars inevitably spill over to the innocent caught in the midst of the chaos produced when man wars against man.

Though I have read a great deal of World War II historical fiction, the devastation was crystal clear when we visited Berlin several years ago.  After the Allies bombed Berlin there was almost nothing left of the once great historical city.  OH, today it has been rebuilt, but the history that was evidenced in the original structures was lost when the city was systematically flattened.  I would dare say---conquering evil was accompanied with the incidental damage of war.  BUT was it incidental?  Following the near destruction of multiple cities in England and other European countries, there was certainly knowledge of the devastation that would be experienced by some innocent Germans.  An eye for an eye---may have been the battle cry or the only way to stop the spread of the evil was the annihilation of even the seeming innocents since they had stood by (at a minimum) and allowed the evil empire make war on the world in an effort to conquer it.

  I am not here to debate collateral damage then or now, but point out our own actions can have collateral damage when they are self seeking.  In man's struggles against his fellow man, when we allow sin (evil) to result---we are inviting collateral damage.  It reminds me of an atom bomb exploding---the destruction at the epicenter is total, but there is a tidal wave of destruction which follows destroying everything in its path.  I think of the scorched earth tactic used in wars to prevent the enemy from using the resources destroyed.  Sin not only affects the one standing in the direct path, but can ripple out in a wide circle.  What we thought would only affect the one directly hit---can also affect many others in their shadow.

It is really quite daunting to really think about the affect of our sin.  To look beyond our direct target and see who else will be affected.  I am so thankful for a God who forgives when we repent, but the damage is not undone.  Read Job--as hard as we try--the loss suffered cannot be restored.  A daunting subject---but there are times we need to carefully consider our actions and all they might incidentally damage.  I, for one, am convicted.  

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger,

brawling and slander,

along with every form of malice.

Be kind and compassionate to one another,

forgiving each other.

Just as in Christ God forgave you"

Ephesians 4:31-32


  1. Collateral damage . . . I wish more of us would think about our actions before we actually do something. Elections do have consequences. Let us decide wisely not only in this, but in all of life.
    Blessings, Lulu!


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