I am happy to say, our weather forecast says we will soon be out of the triple digits. If I can survive 2 more days, we will have a week of balmy 90's. Here is the amazing thing about the heat---if there is a breeze, it is ALWAYS more bearable. Even when it is like an oven (it was 108 degrees, actual temperature, one day in the last week); the breeze which feels like a convection oven helps cool me. The breeze speeds up the evaporation of the sweat that is poring off me and thus helps cool me off. If there is no breeze, the sweat stays and I soon feel as if I am cooking.
The wind can be a wonderful thing until the wind speed becomes excessive (sound familiar--the heat becomes dangerous when it is excessive). We are entering the height of hurricane season after Labor Day. To say we have our fingers crossed is an understatement. The only good thing I can think of from a hurricane is the badly needed rain. Even that can bring flooding when it is too much and happens too fast. Having volunteered in shelters helping the evacuees after hurricanes, I have had one on one experience with their profound losses. Couple that with volunteering to clean out houses after major flooding and I have seen the havoc of the aftermath of TOO MUCH. I will never forget the man who was living in his gutted house--back to the studs in the extreme heat and mosquito infestation. That sight of desperation is seared on my memory bank.
Too much of anything can be a detriment to our very souls. I would dare say---even too much money can cause us to misplace our priorities. The phrase "everything in moderation" is traced back to a Greek philosopher Lindios in the 6th Century BC. SO---man has known for a LONG time moderation is always best. Oscar Wilde gave us this quote ~ "Everything in moderation including moderation." Obviously I am not the first one to think this over. What has occurred to me---anything in excess can cloud our thinking and muddle our priorities. Amazing where thinking over the weather can lead .
"Let your moderation be known unto all men.
The Lord is at hand:"
Philippians 4:5
I so enjoy following you in your wonderful thought processes, Lulu. We can all glean God's wisdom in the most mundane things when we are awake and aware in the moment. Thanks for being a blessing to me!