Have you ever stopped to consider, we do not know the actual timing of Jesus birth? Did Mary go into labor on the LONG trip? Was she in labor when they were scrambling for a place to stay? Did Mary and Joseph know the birth was imminent, but there were no signs until they were settled into the stable? We will never know---and, again, this is one of the details which we might be curious about, but does not really add to the main point of the story. Jesus was born---as foretold---and the minutia, though might be interesting---would detract from the important fact The Messiah was walking on the earth.
As Mary---GREAT- with child---rode a donkey or walked (there is no mention in The Word of riding a donkey-that is an assumption made by scholars) those 90 miles did she ask and re-ask Joseph, "ARE WE THERE YET?" Almost every parent I know has a story of long trips with their offspring repeatedly asking that question. I remember a time or two when, before we had left the city limits, the question was asked. Our patience is stretched thin when we have great anticipation of arriving at our final destination. Add to that anticipation---traveling when you are ready to birth a baby. I remember being pretty miserable those last two weeks---and cannot even begin to imagine riding on the back of a swaying--jostling donkey or walking (which would probably induce labor) . BUT--it happened---so that God's plan could be completed as prophesied. When you stop and consider the wonder---the absolute miracle of making that trek and not having that baby on the trip--I am amazed. BUT God's plan would play out---as He foreknew. Even if Mary was asking, "Are we there yet?"---she stayed the course and birthed The King---in God's Good Time.
"So Joseph and his wife, Mary, left Nazareth,
a village in Galilee,
and journeyed to their hometown in Judea,
to the village of Bethlehem,
King David's ancient home.
They were required to register there,
since they were both direct descendants of David.
Mary was pregnant and nearly ready to give birth."
Luke 2:4-7
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