I wrote a blog a few days ago about the birth of the long awaited King.  Included in those words were questions about the details.  My faithful commenter, Martha, gave us her thoughts on those details in her comment on the blog.  I liked what she had to say, but the truth of the matter is we will never know--at least this side of the Pearly Gates.  I am often curious when I hear "news" from home (Ruston).  Recently a friend from my volunteering days passed away--suddenly.  I kept up with her by reading her posts on social media and knew she was living an active life until a few weeks ago.  I am thankful for my friend who faithfully calls me once a week and always knows the news.  Perhaps not all the details, but at least what happened.  

I am already formulating what "My Memoirs" will include.  It is important to share the life lessons and stories with those we love.  Much will be included, but not every detail of every memory.  That would entail writing volumes of the mundane.  The truth of the matter is---while I lived the details---the high points will more than suffice in telling the story.  Not everyone over thinks the way I do and have no need for the details.  The important details to include are the highlights of why I am who I am.

So it is with the story of the birth of the Messiah.  We have no real need beyond curiosity for each and every detail.  We need to know the facts of the birth---the prophecies which were fulfilled---and the purpose of it being in The Word.  Our curiosity needs to be squelched and we need to concentrate on the birth story of Jesus.  The rest is filler.

"This is how Jesus was born."

Matthew 1:18 CEV

1 comment

  1. Thanks for the mention, Lulu! Details can be important when we are sharing info, but the only thing that truly matters is that Jesus came to save us - period! That's why understanding His mission is the crux of the matter. When and how He was actually born? Just icing on the cake. Have a most blessed Christmas!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!