I live on a hill by the woods that is all part of the
zoo. If the wind is blowing, I can smell and hear the animals that live at the zoo. There are times that I make the trip
down the hill and admire all those animals that live oh so close. There are all
kept at a distance and I am not allowed near to those wonderful animals in their home just down the hill.
It is fall and fall is in the air all around. Fall brings many fun things to do-jumping in piles of brightly colored leaves.
Building a bonfire and roasting wieners for a hot dog and then toasting marshmallows. I love to roast peanuts
and then sit in the swing in the back. I shell those nuts as I swing to and fro and pop them into my mouth as I go.
I spent an afternoon popping those nuts in my mouth and just threw
the shells in a pile by my side. One of
the best things about peanuts is you can smell them roasting from miles away. Roasted peanuts are the best—why even better
than peanut butter. I can never just stop with only one-they just get better and better with each bite I take.
As I slept in my bed that very night—in the deep dark of the middle of
the night---I awoke when I heard a LOUD CRASH in the back. I trembled and wondered what could that be—not daring to leave the warm covers over my head in my safe bed.
The noises grew louder and I knew without a doubt something was crashing around in the back. I slowly pulled down the covers and slipped to the window to take a peek. It is dark—so dark---and I cannot see a thing—but the deep dark black of the night—and still the loud noises are coming from the back.
I pull on my slippers and slip out the door---slowly and carefully wondering what is in store. I hear a LOUD CRASH and look by the swing –a HUGE shadow is thrashing around in the dirt. As I creep closer, what do I see—why to my amazement it is Rasha and her baby Belle---the elephants from the zoo down the hill.
Their trunks are rummaging –sniffing and shuffling in the piles of shells I left by the swing. They
glance over my way, and then continue to search for one little peanut still in the shell. OH YES—I forgot—elephants love
peanuts! The smell of them roasting and
the lure of a tasting has drawn the big visitors up the hill from the zoo.
WHAT am I to do? WHAT will I say if the neighbors discover I have guests over my way? How will I get this mama and baby back down the hill and to their home in the zoo? WHY even the police might be beckoned to hear of the story of how the elephants came up the hill through the woods from the zoo.
Suddenly I remember and run back in the house, for there still is a pan of peanuts on the stove top you see. I take a big sack and run back out the door and throw one peanut to each of the huge beasts. I slowly lead them back to the zoo—offering peanuts as we go. I take them through the woods and down the hill back to their homes at the zoo.
All is well and my friends the elephants are home once again. No harm has been done and no one knows of my
guests. I vow to be careful from this
day forward and not eat peanuts in the swing under the tree—up the hill from the
zoo. The lure of the nuts is far too enticing and I might once again find guests who are lurking and searching to share in the treat of the little peanut.
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