Another year draws to a close---and at the stroke of midnight--our calendars will turn over--my post today is for all who are lost in the despair of waning hope.  Those who are spiraling down in the abyss of grief--those who are stuck and cannot seem to move forward from the blackness of depression-  those who have lost the glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel.  It would not hurt the rest of you to read it --for who knows you may someday find yourself in this season--but if life is all roses for you--God Bless You In The New Year---and move on to the next blog.

While the entire world celebrates the New Year---do you think you are the only one with not one thing to look forward to?  Do you feel the bleakness of your Christmas followed by dread of the New Year have placed you in the solitary confinement of no hope or joy?  Fear not--as the angels said, I bring you tidings of hope, the assurance of love, and the promise of a future.

I have been where you are---and there are days I fall back into that same place--but I have found hope for my future and the assurance of a legacy in The Word of instruction God gifted us with.  He WILL use all our circumstances for His good purpose.  When my heart tells me -What's the Use---His Word assures me ALL can be used for His glory.  This is no gospel of prosperity--but a reminder of history.  This is no promise of all will be better--but an assurance that JESUS IS ENOUGH! Jesus does not want you necessarily to be happy--Jesus wants you to be obedient.

Piper says it perfectly in this short clip-

Piper is telling us the stark truth of the gospel---life is NOT going to be pretty all the time---BUT in the midst of the darkest of nights--worst of days---unending suffering---JESUS IS ENOUGH!

I rest assured in the knowledge--based upon The Word---that in the midst of the storm---when I am drowning in sorrow---THERE IS THE RAINBOW---called Jesus.  There is the absolute guarantee of my eternal future---because of Jesus.

We too soon forget--the wandering for FORTY years of the Israelites---the suffering of God's own chosen people for generations--the brick making with no straw and the guarantee of punishment--the pain and agony of death upon a cross.  There are NO guarantees of happiness on this earth--but there are promise upon promise of His faithful love and presence as we walk this path.  Read the Psalms----everyday I pull one out and over and over--I find the Psalmist crying in despair--begging for vindication--groaning and moaning under the weight of life---BUT GOD!

I ask you--to stand up---walk out the door---and plant trees----KNOWING you will never sit in the shade of that tree---but KNOWING it will provide shade for future generations---because you were willing to plant that seedling.  Step out in faith---leave behind your worries--your cares---and CLING to Jesus.  HE IS ENOUGH!

I pray your New Year is filled with the abundant joy 
and sure assurance 


I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry,
whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:12-13


  1. Amen sweet friend, AMEN!!!!! Wonderfully and beautifully said. Many Happy New Year Blessings to you.

    1. Happy & Blessed New Year to you, Dear Friend & your men !

  2. Hoping that you have a wonderful new year filled with all you desire.

    God bless you and your family, Lulu.

    1. Thank you, Victor- I sm hoping I am privileged to be used by God!
      A Happy & Blessed New Year to you & yours, Friend!

    2. You ARE being used by God for the benefit of many, Lulu. Just imagine how many people are better off for just knowing you.

      God bless.


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!