My daily reading from the OT concerns those grumbling desert wanderers. NEVER happy---we want more---I am happy at this moment, but give me a few minutes to think what else I might want. Are we ever content? I can honestly tell you I am more than content most of the time. BUT there are times I look around and wonder, "Why not me?". The problem with discontent is it is a hungry master. It is never satisfied with the current offering and always looking at what is on the plate of others.
Recently I read a post by a friend with cancer. She is in the middle of experimental treatment and has lost most of what gave her identity. She is back living with her parents, without her home, without her job which she loved, and for the most part isolated from the world. Did I mention she is a extrovert of the highest order? She asked the question in her post, "How do you handle envy?" I cannot begin to imagine how distressing her life must be with all that she is enduring. I read something in my daily devotional which was an excellent answer to our seasons of discontent.
"We see in this passage (God providing manna) that God promises to provide, but only one day at a time. Trust God that He will provide for you just when you need it. God promises His provision for their material needs." We see how quickly we can take for granted God's provision for us by this story. First He provided water, and then He provided daily bread, but the people quickly returned to grumbling. Never enough---never content--their focus was not on how much they were given but in what else they might want. The unquenchable discontent will never be sated. We have to learn to live in a season of content which Paul speaks of in the NT.
"I know what it is to be in need,
and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry,
whether living in plenty or in want."
Philippians 4:12
Learning to be content with what we have is one of the greatest lessons we can learn, Lulu.