Yesterday's post brought so many comments on FB, it caused me to revisit why I have such a healthy respect for the unleashed power of an angry bull/steer. The owner of the bull whose video I posted commented that like all animals they know when someone is fearful. AND that they put a halter on him and allow children to pet him. That may be but when several hundred pounds of bawling warning with two sharp horns behind it heads my way--I am guilty. I am fearful. The bulls name is turns out is Silver--I am ashamed of my name calling. I am not ashamed of not waiting around to see if he was friend or foe. I have slowed down considerably and cannot scale fences as fast as I once did. BEST to be safe than sorry.
SO where did my healthy respect (fear) come from? My childhood -of course! Remember we raised cows and sheep in my early childhood for 4H projects. The steers were either herfords or black angus. The herfords were sweet and gentle--the black angus were looking for an opportunity to GET YOU! This was in the years of elementary school---I weighed about 60 pounds dripping wet. These creatures ended up being 1000 pounds by the time we showed them and then sold them at market. I was NO competition. If you allowed the black angus to get you in a corner---his head-even without horns--was a lethal weapon. If you dared walk behind them---their hooves could strike a bone crunching blow. Why I have even had one kick me when I was beside him--thankfully they do not deal the damage with a side kick they do with a rear kick. I learned a healthy respect for bovines at a very early age. I don't discuss intent when one is headed my way---I get out of Dodge!
THIS brought to mind that potential danger of sin. Why when you look at it from a distance, it might be beautiful---enticing--alluring. You want to get close-and as you begin to get closer - you slowly get pulled into its seduction. Then when it has you in a corner or you are standing in its reach--you become its target. Next thing you know---GOT YOU! So with sin, as with bulls that you do not know, keep your distance--keep the Word of God between you and it---and call upon the Name of your Protector. DO NOT get within its reach---tread carefully--have a healthy respect for the power behind the deliverer. AND KNOW---Who is in your corner-providing protection, safety, and deliverance. Know the love of God is your barrier to keep you safe--use it!
"But the Lord is faithful;
He will strengthen you
and guard you from the evil one."
I Thessalonians 3:3
Fantastic analogy, Lulu! Let us see that sin coming and avoid it at all cost.
AMEN, My Friend!