I had decided to only post my book reviews on Saturday from now on. It seems this works best for those who are looking for thoughts on the relationship between life and God's Word to post those blogs Monday thru Friday.  All miscellaneous posts will be posted on Saturday and NOT every week.

Today's book for the first two thirds I was mildly interested, but not really bowled over.  The last third of the book---literally had me in tears.    I really did not intend to read the book, but my daughter and a friend both encouraged me and I trust their judgement.  If you do not think we Believers shoot our wounded---read this book.  All the good that has been done over the years by this woman of faith was negated by many when she dared to go against the grain and state a political opinion based upon her life and The Word.  NOW---I have no intention of EVER talking politics on this forum--but when she told her story---I was deeply convicted on how poorly we can treat one another if others dare to disagree.  In essence she knocked a hole in her ministry by daring to not agree.  And then she explained the gaslighting she was subjected to as a tactic to take the spotlight off those who were attacking her and their own deeply disturbing problems.  I came away ashamed of us all.  Where is the grace?  Where is the right to disagree without threat of attack?  It is a composite reflection of today's society.  If you dare read it---for you might have already formed an opinion , are you willing to hear both sides of the story?  As I always say, there are two sides to every story.  You can find the book HERE and if you dare to buy it I may get a small commission as an Amazon Associate.  I do not need for you to buy the book from my link so that I can get that small remuneration, I do encourage you to challenge yourself by hearing both sides of the story.


  1. As a Christian, I've hated seeing our country so divisive and ready to devour our own no matter the cost. It was particularly disturbing when I was still on Facebook (thank goodness I'm not) and a former minister of mine called me out for 'losing my mind.' That is sad beyond description. Lord, please heal our nation!

    1. AMEN! Disturbing is an understatement!
      Blessings, Martha!

  2. I hadn’t heard that Beth Moore had received backlash for a political comment, so I read her book. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? She received hate for standing against sexual abuse? I am too angry to even comment further.

    1. It is mind blowing to see how she was made the scapegoat EXPECIALLY after being the darling for so long. We all KNOW who is really behind this attack on her---Satan goes after those who are effective for the Kingdom. Sadly--some fell right into his trap and allowed themselves to be used.


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!