I have almost finished a book which I will review soon that has me deep diving into the think tank.  It is NOT a book I would have ever chosen myself, but I saw someone put it in a list of their recommendations and bought it.  It covers many heavy topics, but today I will only address one-  our desperate turn to God when things are out of control.

As I read the book, it strongly reminded me of the recent events surrounding the pandemic.  It is so interesting to me that we seem to have quickly put all that behind us.  As someone told me at a point in my life, "it is old news now".  Would you take a moment and think about the turn back to faith during those troubling days?  When we began losing loved ones and saw the world effectively shut down, we were deeply troubled.   Things seemed out of control and we began to panic, so we turned back to God.  In a few short years, we seem to be back where we were pre-pandemic.

The truth of the matter is we all like to think we are in control, and truthfully, we are deluding ourselves with that opinion because things are going our way.  We turn to God in desperate times for desperate reasons, but the majority of the time, we think we have things under control until the next panic over the latest disaster.

When will we learn---we need God continuously ---24/7--for things are just a mess at best when we are at the steering wheel.  We are all student drivers, with no clue what wreck may be around the next blind corner.  SO--when will we learn---we need Him--as the old hymn says, "We need Him every hour"---not in the tough times---all the time.  I am really trying to turn it over to Him and quit worrying--leave my anxiety behind.  Until I learn to truly look to Him for guidance--I am a chronic mess.  I am a slow learner--but I keep my eyes on the goal and remember who is really in control.

"Be strong and courageous.

Do not fear 

or be in dread of them,

for it is the Lord your God

who goes with you.

He will not leave you

or forsake you."

Deuteronomy 31:6


  1. God has, is and always will be the only One in control. The sooner and more consistently we ask Him to take the wheel, in good times and bad, we will inevitably see His mighty hand at work in our lives. Great post, Lulu!

    1. The best posts usually come in the midst of some struggle, Martha.


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!