Man has spent a great deal of time pondering patience.  Most things worth discussing are addressed in The Word.  God is not a god who leaves us out in the cold hanging.  Though His Word proclaims patience a virtue; it also is a fruit of the spirit.  Exactly what does that phrase mean, "fruit of the spirit"?  One Biblical definition explains it as "perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in people as the first fruits of eternal glory"

The question then becomes exactly what is a first fruit?  My laymen explanation---if you have ever been to pick blueberries, cherries, or any other fruit--you quickly understand those first fruits---are the best fruits.  When the bush or tree is laden---we may select the very best it has to offer--the largest or the juiciest or the sweetest.  When I lived near a blueberry farm, I tried to be there the first day---first thing after opening.  I wanted the best.  So God is offering us "the best" by not just giving us  fruits, but claiming them as perfect--and a fruit of  glorious eternity.  

Here is the thing---as with most things worth having---there is work involved in the obtaining.  I can personally promise you the road to patience was filled with pot holes.  If you want to grow patience--raise children.  That path is lined with prayers for protection.  An old friend and I were laughing over our youth recently and both proclaimed it was a miracle we were here today.  My mother was not a helicopter parent, she was more of a you kids need to help work the farm parent.  She truly embraced ignorance is bliss when it came to my shenanigans.  As long as we were in one piece at the end of the day and had accomplished her long list of tasks, she was good to go.  My own experience with raising children ---especially the two boys- they were on a mission to help me grow my patience.  

Most things we want to do well require the patience which comes with practice.  We do not run a race for the medal every time we run, but only after days and day of practice.  Ask any musician and they will tell you of the hour upon hour of perfecting their art.  I once asked a violin teacher, "When does it start to sound sweet?".  They replied after MANY hours of practice.    AND as my musician friends can all testify--they continue to practice before any performance---no matter how well trained or proficient.  

I am in the middle of a short course on growing patience.  A little Godly reminder of His timing is always best and I need to practice patience--DAILY.  This trial seems like an eternity, but in God's timing  it is truly a short course.  It has taken a few months, but I have finally decided to sit back be patient and relish the learning.    Anything which is labeled a "fruit of the spirit" I desire--but I need to remember as I practice--it will grow.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, 

faithfulness, gentleness, self control"

Galatians 5:22-23


  1. Patience is a valuable fruit that we all need to cultivate, Lulu. It does take practice, and raising children is definitely one way to grow it. I do appreciate your musician reference here, too, as I've played guitar since I was nine or ten. If I wanted to get better at it, which I did, countless hours and effort had to be put into it.

    1. I have witnessed musicians and their hours of practice, such a commendable trait. If only we would all practice those valuable virtues with greater passion.
      Blessings, Martha!


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