There is an entire new industry that has come about in the last few years---"STAGING".  Now in fairness to the industry there have been interior decorators around for a LONG time.  My use of these talented people has involved---"Please limit my choice to 3 and if I do not like any of those we will look again."  I am easily overwhelmed by too many choices--thus I do not like to shop.  I know what I like and have been told my style is "Comfortable".  What could possibly be wrong with your home inviting use?  None of us try to live in a museum or art gallery.   None of us should want things which cannot be used or even touched.  SO---my style is "Please come in and enjoy yourself."  It makes me happy---and that should be the point---NOT is this magazine spread worthy.  

The stress I have been "enjoying" has come from trying to sell a house in a down market while owning and living in my new to me house.  I usually do not share personal details--but this is the background for the post.  We will not discuss all the hoops I have jumped through trying to sell a home in a flat market.  ON TO THE REASON FOR THE POST~

The house is empty since both myself and my son's family have bought homes and have been in them for a few months.  SO---we are using stagers to show the possibilities with the house which stands empty.  It is a very nice home---only 12 years old and built in the style of the neighborhood filled Craftsman Designs.  We loved living there---BUT it is great home for a large family or two families trying to live together (Momma is NOT easy to live with---ALL ON ME).  So we both bought smaller homes---and the house has been showing empty.  Most are not able to look at a blank slate and imagine the possibilities.  The stagers are showing them the possibilities.  They did a great job---BUT it is all a fairytale---Once upon a time this looked like this.  We all like stories--especially happily ever after stores.  The problem becomes trying to live out those fairytales in real life.  What the eye sees is not what is behind closed doors.  We all struggle for approval--and want the world to think we have our act together--thus a pristine facade presentation to the public.  HERE is the truth of the matter--we may can fool all the people on the outside, but God is in the Inside and knows exactly who we are---and the real picture.  BUT God---God desires you to invite Him in---things do not have to be eye pleasing---pristine---magazine ready.  We can lay out our truth at His Feet and He loves us in spite of who we are.  What a perfect picture of love and grace.

"You have searched me, Lord,

and you know me."

Psalm 139:1


  1. The perfect picture of love and grace, indeed, Lulu. I do hope your "old" house will sell soon! Blessings!

  2. One of my favorite. God surely knew David’s heart-the good, bad and the ugly! Just as He knows ours in all our human weaknesses. Been contemplating life recently, miss you❤️

  3. You can get mired down in the contemplation. I’ve been very homesick lately!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!