As I am writing it is post election Day 2--and I have some thoughts after listening to all that has been said--so far--about the outcome.  It really does not matter who you were voting for in my book-I feel the same affection for you today that I did pre election.   As I have said before, I have family members on both sides of the divide and some scratching their heads wondering how did we get to this?  I love each and every one of them-no matter their party affiliation.  Family trumps (no pun intended) party---EVERY TIME! 

What I have found interesting is the dignity which has been exhibited by the losing party -at least two days of dignity.  One of my early childhood lessons was how to humbly win and lose with grace.  Life is filled with competition--of all sorts, and we do not always win the game.  SO--it behooves us to learn to accept defeat without throwing a hissy fit or having a tantrum.  We need to accept things will not always go our way.  It appears many of the losing party have pulled their big boy/girl pants up and congratulated the winners and pledged to continue to seek the best for the country as a whole.  Good for them!

The absolute LAST thing I am going to say about this---since I have broken my rule of never discussing politics---is can we now all get along and play fair?  Can we disagree without taking personal shots.  In fact--can we leave our personalities behind?  Can we at least listen to the other side without attacking them as soon as their mouths are open?  Can we not gloat?  Can we leave our animus feelings behind?  We have become so divided, there seems to be no common ground anymore, but I KNOW we have common ground.  Here is one small example.  I have had Believers tell me the winner was prayed into the office and God is responsible for the victory.  I have also had one of the losing party tell me that God is allowing the winning party to reap what it has sown--justice will be served.  Did you jump on the band wagon with one of those statements and MISS THE FACT that both speakers were Believers?  Think about it! Praying for our country---we need to pray---and remember One Nation Under God.

"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.

For there is no authority except from God,

and those that exist have been instituted by God."

Romans 13:1


  1. I so enjoyed reading your insights from Day #2 post election. May we all come to understand that we are all loved by God, made in His image, and at least try to ask (and listen to) others when they give us their opinions. Now, it seems, the "not listening" aspect of a certain party did not pay off for them. Please, Lord, help us all to be better listeners with compassionate hearts. Blessings, Lulu!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!