How many of us will be a Billy Graham, Mother Theresa, Chris Tomlin, Beth Moore, Brennan Manning, A.W. Tozer, and the long list of those great icons of the faith? How many of us will have notable--timeless impact on this world that we live in? What will our legacy be---what will be said about us at the end---what will we leave behind?
Each of those named above--did not begin with the notion of doing great things--they began with a dream, a talent, saw a need---something was in front of them and they worked to address that need--on that particular day. Their greatness started in the normality of a day of their life. Writing begins with penning one sentence. Sermons begin with statements of faith. Songs are written while playing a few notes on an instrument. Souls are saved--one at a time. The sick and poor are helped one at a time. It all starts by acting on the one thing, the one need, the one soul---on a particular day---with no thought of greatness or life and world changing. The greatness--the life and world changing--that is the by-product of playing one note, giving one sermon, writing one paragraph, nursing one poor sick person--it all starts with one. Your greatness--is in living well--each and every day. What more beautiful legacy than to have those that are your nearest and dearest and know you well remember your living life to the fullest -- one step at a time.
Our challenge in our day to day world is to treat each and every thing God places in our path as if it will indeed have a profound effect on that person and the world. With each need we see before us, we give ourselves in service without thought---then we are changing the world--making a difference--leaving a legacy----One Step At A Time!
"Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as for the Lord, and not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward."
Colossians 3:23-24
That is beautiful! We are world changers because we are being obedient in what He asked us to do! That is all that is required! Keep sharing!