After five days of ice in December, I thought winter was over here in FW.
I was mistaken---No ice this go around--only about 1/2 inch of snow--but bitter cold - freezing temperatures. I cannot find what happened to my coats in all of this moving. I finally located one long dress coat and a couple of jackets--but I seem to be without a warm jacket and the wind will cut right through you. Thank goodness for layers!
I stuck close to home the day of the snow. I am very careful---my little car would be like an ice skate on icy roads and if I slip and break a bone---I am up the creek!
I ventured out on Friday-but the snow was still covering most things--especially my car. Fortunately since it was so cold when all this came down--no ice--it was like a fine powder.
Here at "The Cottage" all was warm---though I really--really miss my working fireplace I had for my entire life. Standing over the vents which are all in the floor in an old house--is just not the same! Can still hear that fire popping and sizzling in my head.
While Meredith was here, I had small group friends over to hear her story. It was wonderful to share a meal and have good company in my home once again.
Over the back door which I always leave from hangs these. A constant reminder of the grace I live under and the need to share as I leave the safety of these walls.
Meanwhile--there is a daily blizzard of emails from the hood---missing dog--found dog--furniture for sale--house or apartment for rent--returning heroes--bombard City Hall with a sidewalk request--- For a big city neighborhood--they are organized and united in community. I am going to love sitting on my front porch--when the weather warms!
Hey Lulu ... I'm yearning for some of those front porch evenings, too! Maybe we can meet half way??
Warmest sabbath blessings as we make our way through this long winter ...