We are hearing a series of lessons at the church I attend on "Fountains".  Today was the second in the series and I would love for you to go HERE and listen to last Sunday and yesterday's message.  I have been challenged and moved by what our pastor is teaching.  Last week he gave us a quote from Ernie Johnson, "I want to be a fountain, and not a drain."

This is a beautiful imagery of how we all should look.  Pouring out the love God has so lavishly blessed us with on those in our world.  Being the hands and feet of Christ here on this earth.  What a blessing to be allowed to serve others in His name.

Perhaps it comes with the season of life I find myself, but there seems to be a world of hurt and pain all around me.  Death, illness, loss of job, economic failings, loss of all kinds---the list goes on and on.  The list is long and the needs are great.  It is always a privilege to be asked to pray, but it also can become quite over-whelming when the needs are so great.   

After visiting with a sweet friend last week, I tweeted what God had laid on my heart after our conversation.  "Sometimes we are so deep in the trenches of spiritual warfare, we cannot see the vast army of praying Saints surrounding us.  God is our defender!"  AND as I blogged last week, do not be shy about asking God for BIG things.  I am not speaking of earthly riches, I am speaking of big things in God's economy.  

There are times of great loss, great stress, great pain, and great despair when the pump on our fountain slows and sometimes stalls.  And our drain--the drain is stuck in full open.  We are clinging to the lifeblood of truth and unable to pour ourselves out on anyone else.  Life is sucking the very well spring of truth from us.  THAT is when the army of Saints steps up and steps in and pours out over us.  We are covered in the prayers of the righteous who come forward to refill our fountain when we are wounded and drained.  The Saints pour out on us the Balm of Gilead and He hears and works to heal.

What a beautiful vision---surrounded by Saints filling our fountain--faster than the world can drain it---they stand in the gap and fill it again.  

So thankful to be used by God to pour out on His Beloved.  What joy to pour His love upon those who are hurting.  

Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,
Ephesians 6:18


  1. I agree, Lulu, there are plenty of negatives in the world right now with many people suffering from a variety of causes, reasons and conditions. Indeed, you are right in suggesting that when we feel overwhelmed we should rely on those praying for us; as in fact we should be praying for them. Christ said we will not be tested beyond our power of endurance. We should trust Him in this and hope for better times.

    All this talk of fountains and drains has made me feel cold. It has been raining non-stop here for a while now and I am getting fed up with it. It's got to the point that the only way I fight all this dampness is by sitting in an empty bath and vacuum clean myself.

    God bless.

    1. We have lived through a recent weeks on end deluge here as well, Victor. The ground is so saturated the frogs have taken to boats! BUT Spring is here in all its glory!
      Blessings, My Friend!

  2. Prayer .... what a great gift of our Heavenly Father.
    Now, on another note... the empty bathtub and vacuum cleaner is hysterical.

    1. ONLY Victor!!! My laugh to begin the day!

  3. What beautiful imagery here, Loralu! I love that quote from Ernie Johnson, too. Yes, may we all be fountains of God's love pouring into others, and when we feel dry and parched, may the clouds of witnesses pour their refreshing waters of prayer into us.


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