Grand # 3 and #4 are 18 months apart.  CLOSE---they are old enough now-- 
4 1/2 & almost 3 to do a LOT of fighting.  Physical assaults upon each other--tears--injuries---hand to hand combat.  I well remember my older brother making my life miserable during childhood--he denies it all now--or makes light--BUT I avoided him like the plague before we were grown.  Love him dearly now--perhaps it helps to not be sharing a living space!

I recently had those grands for an afternoon.  During this brief period of time, #3 rolls a large plastic car off the bed and hits #4 in the head with same car--OF COURSE--resulting in tears.  I send #3 to timeout---and soothe #4.  AFTER the tears have stopped flowing--I go in to talk to #3.  "Why did you hit Brother in the head with the police car?"  "Because I wanted to."  Well I give him points for honesty.  WHY the need/desire to fight with our brothers and sisters?

The Bible is full of just such scenarios---check our Cain--Joseph---David--Jacob--the list goes on and on.  We are born in sin--and we sin---over and over.  Many times we are not satisfied and often jealous of those around us.  We look upon others with suspicion and distrust and envy.  

I recently told a R friend that I suspect that I am looked upon with suspicion --as a new FW resident .  She told me about a chapter in a Beth Moore book on insecurity.   A chapter on women attacking women---perhaps because of our suspicions about the intentions of one another.  I have NOT suffered any attacks--but also feel like I am being watched and wondered about.  People would like to know the story without asking what it is.  Since they do not know me nor the story, they look at me with wary--perhaps suspicious eyes.  One of the things I decided when I moved to FW was I would not discuss my life story-to try and not say anything that does not edify the cause for Christ.

Bottom line---we can be malcontents with green eyes and sinful natures.  Thank the good Lord for grace!  I am praying that I will have the eyes of Christ and the peace of contentment for all that I have been blessed with.  When I am showered with so much love and so many blessings, what else could I possibly want or need?

Today I am thankful for the joy of peace and contentment
that only comes from The Source of all my needs.

"Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."

Phillipians 4:7

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