I have a vivid memory from my childhood of the day my father passed away.  He was in the VA hospital a couple of hours away from our hometown and my grandmother was staying with us.  We received the call of his passing early in the morning before time for the school bus to pick us up.  Before I knew it, our next door neighbors were there to clean our house.  My grandmother was no spring chicken and certainly did not clean house to my mother's standards.  She had previously arranged for the neighbors to help out by coming to clean the house before the visitors began to arrive.  I am not sure Mama had thought about who would talk to us kids, but she definitely had planned who would get her house ready for the small town inspection to come.  It is a surreal memory that gives me insight to who my mother was.

As you read this, I am having surgery or perhaps in drug induced sleep to keep me from pain.   I have spent the past few days getting my ducks in a row and my house in order.

Not unlike my mother, I have been making sure I leave a clean house to come home to.  People will be in and out and I would not want anyone to think I was not neat and tidy.  I have all my end of life papers neatly stored where they can be easily found~NOT that there is any possibility of being needed BUT.  I am a Girl Scout--BE PREPARED is my motto.  The pantry is filled with Dr Pepper, cookies, and chips ~the MUST haves in my day to day life!  The Super Dog is at the Pet Hotel---SERIOUSLY-The Spa!  I have prepared my Bible Study lesson to teach in a couple of weeks.  I have even written a few blogs ahead (VERY FEW).  I am ready.

Why would we worry about clean houses, stocked pantries, and end of life plans?  We do not want the world to judge us as unprepared.  Control is the name of the game!!  AND what the world thinks of us is of utmost importance.  The opinion of those in our world of who we are can be a driving force in our lives.

The question should be am I prepared to meet God face to face?  Do I have all my ducks in a row when it comes to my relationship with The Father?  Have I cleaned out the dirt of sin in my life?  Is my spiritual storehouse stocked and ready?  Am I constantly ready for a face to face with the Father?  Is the house of my soul in order?  THAT is the important question!

32 “No one knows, however, when that day or hour will come—neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son; only the Father knows. 33 Be on watch, be alert, for you do not know when the time will come.
Mark 13:32-33


  1. I am so sorry, Lulu, to learn that you are not well. I am praying for you right now and hope that you will soon be restored to good health. May God bless you and the Good Lord be with you at this difficult time.

  2. Lulu!!! I had no idea you were having surgery!!!! Keeping you in prayer sweet friend, smiles.

  3. Loralu! What?!?! How can we help...besides praying for you?

  4. Dear Lulu ... I'm praying right now even as we speak. That you'll be at peace and free from anxiety. That you'll heal well and feel Jesus all around you.

    And that you won't worry one little bit about the state of your house or your blog or your dear barker. Everything will be here when you return.

    Bless you, girl ...

  5. Praying for you, Lulu! May your recovery be quick and as painfree as possible, my friend. Please keep us updated as you can.


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!