The phrase "baby steps" is sometimes used in conversation or writing.  Exactly what are we referring to when we announce we will be using baby steps?  When my own children and grands were all learning to walk, my explanation of the phrase "baby steps" has a visual connotation. I can still see in my mind's eye those first tentative steps.  What special days those were when we held our hands out trying to coax those first tentative steps from our sweet babies.  Those baby steps were wobbly at best and often took quite a few tries before achieving mobility.  Some babies grasp the edge of a surface to help maintain their balance while practicing for lift off.  And then finally comes the day when they are brave enough to let go and launch themselves into the world of the vertical.  

"Baby steps" is referring to those clumsy first steps we take into the world of the upright.  Many a fall often accompanies those first steps.  Our inner ear and muscles must become accustomed to holding us upright and thrusting us forward.  Eventually we are able to stay up right (though sometimes on the hiking trail I find myself once again heading for a fall) and traveling in the expeditious manner of a two legged mammal.

Most new things we learn require baby steps in the beginning of some sort.  One does not sit down at the piano and pound out Chopin with the first try.  What begins as "Twinkle~Twinkle Little Star" with one hand and broken rhythm, advances to scales, etudes, and beautiful music.  It all began though, with the baby step of one finger at a time.  Cooking begins with learning how to boil water.  Talking begins with a babble of sounds that in some cases leads to a constant state of chatter as we master the art of verbal communication.  Great art begins with learning how to hold the paint brush and make the strokes which might lead to a masterpiece.  Anything we want to learn begins with small steps~ baby steps leading down the pathway to mastery.  If it is worth learning, it is worth taking those short wobbly baby steps.  Though wobbly and clumsy, we only can eventually become accomplished by being brave enough to try-again and again.  We all begin as novices and only become masters with practice.

Where am I headed with this?  My New Year's goals have not been accomplished overnight. Eating better is a struggle with some days better than others.  I am learning I need good choices on hand to help with the effort.  The goal to improve my intellect has been slow.  I seem to be stuck on a new Prime series that is tempting me away from that pursuit.  Except for the fact it is placed in Greece, there has not only been no intellectual challenge, and even perhaps a little mind numbing.  As for looking outside the box for a greater eclectic variety of friends, the rain has kept me firmly planted on my couch. I seem to think I will melt if I get wet, and we ALL KNOW that is not the case.   In an effort to draw closer to God, I am trying to write a prayer a day.  It does not happen everyday and those written prayers are filled with fits and starts.  Poetic does not come to mind.   

BUT I am not defeated, and will continue to practice my baby steps in an effort to eventually master what is surely a good thing.  If every baby gave up with their first fall, we would all be crawling on all fours.  BUT--we try and try again until we master the challenge of staying upright.  So it is with new goals--I will try and try again until I not only master, but eventually begin a pattern of what I have set out to accomplish.  It all starts though with baby steps.

13 I can do all things in him that strengtheneth me
Philippians 4:13


  1. I did ... ... ... at the age of six I got on the piano and played Chopin music first time. Mind you, it was Chopin music as he should have composed it; not the rubbish he has left us with in his works.

    This is a good post, Lulu, with a good message. Take care and God bless you.

    1. Laughing, Victor. What did Chopin know, Right!
      Blessings, My Friend!

  2. Great reminder to us all, Lulu, that we can't expect change to simply happen overnight, but must be willing to take those wobbly baby steps that will eventually get us to the goal.

    1. Yes, slow and steady, Martha!
      Blessings, My Friend!

  3. I am so not into the baby steps---full step ahead or plowing through...stay out of my way, giggling. Have a beautiful day friend. smiles

    1. You must have been a child prodigy!
      Blessings, My Friend!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!