I recently read a post by a good writing friend HERE about multi-tasking.  She is an excellent writer and Dear Believer--it would be well worth your time to take a look at her blog.  

I remember those days when I was a busy professional who owned their own practice, managed the home front, kept groceries in the pantry and food on the table, tutored less than enthusiastic off spring, kept the closets cleaned out, clothes cleaned and ironed and in good repair, feed and walked the dog, coached the team, lead the Cub Scouts, taught Sunday School and on and on and on.  I had LOTS of balls in the air at all times.

I declared myself Super Woman and bragged or sometimes complained that I was a great multi-tasker.  What world did I live in that I thought trying to do many things at the same time would produce my best efforts?

Somewhere along the line I took one of those personality tests.  Some psychologist decided we needed to take a test to determine who we were in an effort to substantiate what he was going to charge you for administering the test.  I applaud his best effort to make himself indispensable.  

I took the test which determined I was task oriented.  SURPRISE-SURPRISE.  I am an accountant--we are ALL task oriented.  Yes, I see the 

I also know the path to that big picture is filled with the details which must be completed to get a glimpse of that big picture.  My focus is so sharp-at times I have tunnel vision.

SO all those years I tried to keep all those balls in the air, I was doing no one or no project, or no group, or even my own family much good.  Everyone was getting a sliver of the pie, but never enough to be fully satisfied.  The truth of the matter was in that season of life, I really had no choice.  Give everyone and everything one sliver and a promise of more---at some point.  Laughingly, I give advice to those young mothers who ask,  "Fight the fire that nipping the highest at your rear!"  The struggle became what is most urgent in my daily to do list.  

And then came empty nest, retirement, old age and all those other things that go along with being not just over the hill but on the way down.  Time for a new philosophy.

I like what Linda said about her new philosophy  in her blog

I'm so done with nonchalantly juggling a bunch of random balls in the air. 

YES!  ME TOO!  I am going to take one thing at a time, complete it before moving on to the next task and keep my eye on the goal.  WELL--except for reading--I like to have a book in every room and a serious book and a light read and a Bible study going at all times.  Also I could never finish the yardwork completely, it is a continuous struggle to keep up with the day to day--beds need weeding, mulching, fertilizing, seasonal plants need planting, the cast iron needs thinning, I need to build that bed I have been wanting  ~  gardening is an on-going task.  As for my spring cleaning which has now morphed into fall throw away, I can only do a few cabinets or drawers at a time, so it has to be spread over several days or weeks or months.  About the time I finally finish it is time to start again.  AND I have to spread out the house upkeep and update since it is expensive and time consuming.  I couldn't possibly get it all done at one time.  


It seems I am still guilty of multi-tasking.  BUT this is not multi-tasking by necessity, but multi-tasking by choice.  There is a HUGE difference!  For now, I am limiting the number of balls---period!  Focus on what is important has become my new mantra.  I am so thankful to be in a season where this is possible.  Keep my eyes on the goal and remember what is important--all else is shifting sand.

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, 

because he trusts in you.

Isaiah 26:3


  1. I remember those days when I had so much to do, Lulu, that I couldn't help but multi-task sometimes - always led down the wrong road. Prioritizing is the key to getting anything done well and with purpose. I loved Linda's post, too!

  2. I remember when, a number of years ago, my boss returned from a seminar -- marveling at the fact 'multi-tasking' wasn't so much to brag about. Except when necessary (act 'as if') I've always preferred attending to the fires that burned the highest.


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!